Industrial Engineering / BETATRON
Portable X-Ray System from 2,5 to 9 MeV
Portable Betatron systems are a range of compact circular electron accelerators producing a high energy directional X-Ray beam. The Betatron systems are easy to assemble, operate and maintain. They contain no moving parts or cooling liquids so maintenance required on the systems is minimal. They are capable of producing radiographs of very high contrast, sensitivity and resolution allowing operators to meet the tightest inspection standard.
The Betatron range consists of 4 systems each with a different maximum energy, the outputs are 2.5, 6, 7.5 and 9 MeV. The energy produced on the systems varies from 2 Mev up to the maximum and adjustments can be made in 0.1 MeV increments. The systems offer cost savings and a greater degree of portability than systems such as linear accelerators (Linacs) which are much larger, non-portable and can cost up to 10 times the price of a Betatron.
The Betatron systems range has been designed for a wide variety of applications in many sectors of the NDT industry. Examples include the inspection of large thick parts, castings, valves, beams, ship hulls, pressure vessels, engine blocks, thick welds, composites, reinforced concrete buildings, bridges and infrastructure.
The PXB2.5D can replace cobalt isotope gamma sources which may not give acceptable quality and require costly periodic replenishment.
(Single or Three Phase available upon request)
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