Bridge Viaduct Footbridge Inspector (PO)
According to the RINA RC / C18 Regulation for the certification of personnel in charge of non-destructive, semi-destructive tests on concrete structures, reinforced and prestressed concrete, masonry.
29-31 october 2019
The aim of the course is to promote the dissemination of culture among the operators § make available to the market qualified operators able to operate professionally according to internationally recognized rules and techniques § contribute to raising the quality standards of the whole process chain (manufacturers of diagnostic instruments , operators, designers, testers, contractors, users).
The course includes the study of the methodology, the analysis of case studies, practical exercises with subsequent processing of data for preparation for the 2nd level RINA exam.
The management of road works has for years assumed increasing importance in the civil engineering sector and the commitment of resources destined for it has a considerable impact on the budgets of those who manage this heritage. Only the works built in the last few years are equipped with a maintenance plan (DPR 554/99 and DPR 207/2010), drawn up by the same designer, which allows a schedule of checks and interventions, with the aim of minimizing expenses and allocate them in the nominal life time of the product. For infrastructural works, instead, which do not have a maintenance plan, and which are almost all of those existing in our country, it is the manager’s duty to check that the state of conservation is always such as to guarantee the safety and full enjoyment of the good. The control of road works of art is regulated in Italy by the Ministerial Circulars of 19/7/67 and those following the introduction of the rules on the bridges of 1980 and 1990. The highlights of the Circular of ’67 are the institution a quarterly inspection (performed by qualified technicians) and an annual inspection (performed by engineers); the Circular illustrates the procedures for carrying out the inspections and provides for the compilation of a report following the same, in addition to the compilation of a form where the main data of the building and its main characteristics are reported. To improve what has been done up to now, it is necessary to make fully operational all the provisions that NTC 2008 give for new construction works and for interventions on existing ones, so as to overcome the shortcomings of the past, and also act for an update the legislation on inspections and control of bridges, which is starting to be rather dated. Finally, the birth of a true professional figure, the inspector of bridges, trained and trained, but also certified by an accredited body to carry out its activity, is appropriate.
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