Continuous Structural Monitoring for Seismic Purposes

    • 26 May 2021
      • News,

We previously had the opportunity to discuss the security of infrastructure and highlight the dangerously fragile condition of our country’s structural heritage. We identified poor maintenance as the primary reason for its poor state of preservation.

We also emphasized how structural monitoring is closely linked to risk management, considering that our country is significantly exposed to natural risks such as seismic, hydrogeological, and volcanic hazards.

Italy is one of the Mediterranean countries with the highest seismic risk due to its positioning between the African and Eurasian tectonic plates. Over the course of 2,500 years, it has experienced more than 30,000 earthquakes of medium to high intensity. In the 20th century alone, there were seven seismic events with a magnitude equal to or greater than 6.5 (Source: Civil Protection Agency).
These numbers immediately highlight the urgency of addressing the vulnerability of the building stock and the need to plan for continuous monitoring of structures to mitigate seismic hazards and prevent damage to people and property, along with the associated intervention costs.

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In this perspective, non-destructive testing plays a crucial role in the control, verification, and assessment of the structural behavior of a construction. It allows for the early detection of any anomalies and potential risks to the safety of people and surrounding areas. Non-destructive testing enables continuous monitoring of structures throughout their lifecycle, from design to commissioning and from commissioning to operation.
Continuous structural monitoring for seismic purposes allows for the detection of structural anomalies caused by seismic activity and enables timely intervention to prevent damage.

Continuous structural monitoring for seismic purposes: Tax deductions under the “Decreto Rilancio”

The “Decreto Legge 19/05/2020 n.34” (converted into law n.77 on 17/07/2020), better known as the “Decreto Rilancio,” established urgent measures regarding the adoption of anti-seismic measures and introduced the “Superbonus 110%” as a deduction percentage for expenses incurred in seismic risk reduction interventions.

As stated in paragraph 4-bis of Article 119 of the “Decreto Legge 19/05/2020,” the deduction also applies to the implementation of continuous structural monitoring systems for seismic purposes.

The deduction will be granted provided that the implementation of continuous structural monitoring systems for seismic purposes is combined with another anti-seismic activity specified in Article 16 (from paragraph 1-bis to paragraph 1-septies) of the “Decreto Legge 4 giugno 2013 n. 63” (converted into law n.90 on 3 August 2013).

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