Civil Engineering / KIT PULL-OFF 500
Hydraulic system for tear adherence tests on high resistance coating materials
The Pull-Off is a direct method of proof consists of a semi-destructive extraction, used to estimate the tensile strength of materials. Recovery linked to the substrate, such as wall cladding (plaster or other).
The test is prepared by pasting directly on the surface of the material to investigate, in an area specially designed with appropriate resins, a circular metal plate Ø 50 mm.
Before the test is performed along the cutting edge of metal plate in order to release the evidence from the surrounding area.
The cut should have a depth at least equal to the thickness of the coating. Maturation occurred at the resin by the application to the hard pressure of posting in the direction normal to the wall jack should be fitted with calibrated pressure gauge, which exercises opposing force on a support structure.
Possibility to adapt the instrument for tests on dowels of various sizes (verification on plug anchors) and on threaded bars.
(*) Compatible with Flat Jack Kit, Pull-Out STD Kit, Plate Load Test Kit, Push Systems
(**) Compatible with Pull-Out STD Kit, Plate Load Test Kit
(***) Compatible with Pull-Out STD Kit
Optional accessories:
(*) Compatible with STD Pull-Out Kit, Flat Jack Kit, Plate Load Test Kit
(**) Compatible with STD Pull-Out Kit and Plate Load Test Kit
(***) Compatible with STD Pull-Out Kit
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